Irrelevant Show Archives (Current 2025)

Sunday March 9, 2025: Remote broadcast from the largest clock in the world, which happens to be the Makkah Royal Clock Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. I got to spin records for people hanging out in the clock room changing thousands of clocks forward one hour for Daylight Savings Time and was treated to the whole place being illuminated by 2 million LED lights. Oh, and I spun tons of cool tunes, enjoy!


1Attack On Tijuana –ARAB ON RADAR –Queen Hygiene
2At Hell’s Gates/Infernal Powers –BLACK SPELL –Walpurgis Night
3What Means Solid, Traveler? –DAVID TORN –What Means Solid, Traveler?
4Requiem –THE BEVIS FROND –Son Of Walter
5Anorexic Sacrifice –CHROME –Chrome Flashback
6Out Of Aferica –HEROINE SHEIKS –Out Of Aferica Flexidisc
7Wait For The Hate –KRAMER –The Guilt Trip
8Slink Fest/Network Epilogue –MILK CULT –Project M-13
9Audhumbla –MONOLORD –Empress Rising
10Excerpt –VOLKSWHALE –PileOShit Cassette
11Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head –BJ THOMAS –Single
12Intro/Salomon’s Gate –BEHERIT –Drawing Down The Moon
13The Murderous Realms of Decayed Origin From Which Demons Feed And I Become Whole –VIRULENT SPECTER –Ceremonial Crypt Desecration
14Nepoddajnym –KULT OFENZIVY –Synfoni Oceli
15Monique My Love Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
16Untitled (Side 1) –CAVERNA GLACIAR –Jornado Ao Interior Do Abismo Primitivo
17Bér.aéabtre Zuèrkl Vèrmyapre –VERMIBDREB –Vèrmibdrèb Zuèrkl Goèbtrevoryalbe
19Crystal Ball –CANDLEMASS –Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
20Excerpt –RAPT –Deflagration Cassette
21Tripping In/To Oz –ENTFRED –Peterson Mixes
22Love Eyes (Cast Your Spell On Me) –LENNY DRAKE –V/A: Brown Acid: The First Trip
23Take It –CROSSFIELD –V/A: Brown Acid: The Second Trip
24Helter Skelter –ZEBRA –V/A: Brown Acid: The Fifth Trip
25Good Times –NOBODY’S CHILDREN –V/A: Brown Acid: The Seventh Trip
26Aquarius –KILLDOZER & ALICE DONUT –Michael Gerard’s Party Machine
27Marathelia Glows In The Dark –A440 –V/A: The Houston Post – Nowsounds Groove-In
28What I Need –STEEL POLE BATH TUB –Unlistenable
29Ever Lovin’ Man –THE DIRTBOMBS –We Have You Surrounded
30Dissident Aggressor –BLIND SCRYER –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 3: Judas Priest
31Two Little Pigs –COWS –Cunning Stunts
32We Never Sleep –BOREDOMS –Onanie Bomb Meets The Sex Pistols
33If This Were A Cult –MONKEY POWER TRIO –Secrets Of The Universe Revealed
34Travelling Light –TINDERSTCKS –Tindersticks
35Trickle Down System –GIANT SAND –Swerve
36Panic Pure –VIC CHESNUTT –West Of Rome
37Dirty Sanchez –COWSLINGERS –Boot N Rally

Sunday March 2, 2025: Remote broadcast from Hollywood, CA as part of the 97th Annual Academy Awards Ceremony Pre-Party. Got to hang out with a bunch of celebrities and spin tons of good records. Great show, enjoy!


1Best Enemies –HEROINE SHIEKS –Single
2Doomantia –BLACK SPELL –Walpurgis Night
3Empress Rising –MONOLORD –Empress Rising
4Keyholes Are For Peeping Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
5Garden Aeroplane Trap –THE BEVIS FROND –Son Of Walter
8Ouverture / Mezi Kopci Cesta Je Klikata –MASTER’S HAMMER –Jilemnicky Okultista
9Armanenschaft –ARMANENSCHAFT –Psychedelic Winter
10Troldom Of Galdlom –KARNJLAPAKTE –Karnjlapakte
11Sarin –EITRIN –Eitrin
12The Repugnant Altar From Which I Harvest Malicious Energy –VIRULENT SPECTER –Ceremonial Crypt Desecration Cassette
13Deathhead (1970) –PUNCH –V/A: Brown Acid: The First Trip
14Silence Of The Morning –GLASS SUN –V/A: Brown Acid: The Second Trip
15Uncle Kirby (From Brazil) –COUNTDOWN FIVE –V/A: The Houston Post – Nowsounds Groove-In
16Peanut Butter Yoni –OZ KNOZZ –Ruff Mix
17You’ve Never Been This Far Before –KILLDOZER –For Ladies Only
18We Need Each Other –MONKEY POWER TRIO –Secrets Of The Universe Revealed
19Make It Worse –THE RABBIT COUNCIL –Single
20Angels At Night –GIANT SAND –Swerve
21Ball Five –KRAMER –The Guilt Trip
22Beyond The Calico Wall/STP-00117 –THE CYNICS –Get Our Way
23Goo Goo Muck –THE CRAMPS –Gravest Hits
24Sexy Pee Story –COWS –Sexy Pee Story
25Toxika –PLASTIC PEOPLE OF THE UNIVERSE –Egon Bondy’s Happy Hearts Cub Banned
26I’ll Cry Instead –THE BEATLES –A Hard Day’s Night
27Ghandi –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –Humpty Dumpty LSD
28The Carny –NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS –Your Funeral….My Trial
29Inner Female –THE ANGELS OF LIGHT –New Mother

Sunday February 23, 2025: Remote broadcast from the Atlanta Motor Speedway in Hampton, GA for the Ambetter Health 400 NASCAR Cup Race. Made records go around on a turntable while cars raced around a racetrack. Kinda surreal really. Great show too, enjoy!


1Hungry Government –ENTFRED / PETERSON MIXES –Entfred/Peterson Mixes Cassette
2Cinnamon Girl –KILLDOZER –Snakeboy EP
3I’ve Seen The End –KRAMER –The Guilt Trip
4Eindhoven Chicken Masque –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –Humpty Dumpty LSD
5Walpurgis Night –BLACK SPELL –Walpurgis Night
6Wolfmoon –COUNT RAVEN –Mammon’s War
7Invitation –HELIOS CREED –X-Rated Fairy Tales
8Living In Vain –SNAKEFINGER –Against The Grain
10Hamburger Lady –THROBBING GRISTLE –Greatest Hits
11Some Velvet Morning –NANCY SINATRA & LEE HAZLEWOOD –Nancy’s Greatest Hits
12Elephant Drums –MIKE SIMPSON –Jungle Odyssey
13Up On Mars –HASIL ADKINS –What The Hell Was I Thinking
14Ricky Don’t Lose That Number –STEELY DAN –Greatest Hits
15Riff Raff –AC/DC –Powerage
16For Pat –OZ KNOZZ –Ruff Mix
17Sweden Heaven & Hell Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
18What Did For The Dinosaurs –THE BEVIS FROND –What Did For The Dinosaurs
19Emerald –GYGAH –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. One – Thin Lizzy
20Electric Eye –KYLE SHUTT –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. Three – Judas Priest
21Black Night –TOPSY KRETTS –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. Two – Deep Purple
22I’m The Doctor –MOTORHEAD –Iron Fist
23Madame Olga’s Massage Parlor Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
24The Man Who Loved The Rain –ROBYN HITCHCOCK –Shufflemania!
25Where’s The Devil….When You Need Him –LEGENDARY SHACK SHAKERS –Believe
26Wait –LORDS & LADY KEVIN –Single
27Bring Her Home –ARMNENSCHAFT –Psychedelic Winter
28En Illgarninge –KARNILAPAKTE –Karnilapakte
29Eclipsing Through The Womb Of Twilight & Dementia –GLEMT –Eclipsing Through The Womb of Twilight & Dementia
30Begynnilse –DRAUGSJUKAN –Draugsjukan
31Kangaroo –ARAB ON RADAR –7 Inch
32Let’s Fight / Swedish Fly –HEROINE SHEIKS –7 Inch
33Cow Island –COWS –7 Inch
34Chantilly Rock (And A Pony’s Tail) –’68 COMEBACK –7 Inch
35I Don’t Know –63 EYES –Look In For Moth Men

Sunday February 9, 2025: Remote broadcast from Nawlins Bar in New Orleans, Louisiana as part of the entertainment for the Super Bowl Pre-Game Party. I ate and drank a lot, started the show with the Meat Puppets “Touchdown King” and then the rest of the show was a giant mashup of football related fodder played over a sound bed of weird sounding records. No playlist required. Enjoy!


Sunday February 2, 2025: First show of 2025 was a remote from Washington, DC celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year….The Year Of The Snake. I stocked up on fireworks and spun 3 hours of fantastic records, including a mashup on how radio works with some excerpts from Mr. Rogers thrown in. Enjoy!


1The Maximus Poems / The Seven Seizures –KRAMER –The Guilt Trip
2Kuntz –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –Locust Abortion Technician
3A Taste Of Flesh Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
4I Am, I Said –KILLDOZER –Little Baby Buntin’
6Passport Please –POREST –Modern Journal Of Popular Savagery
7Anthem –GISM –Detestation
8Demonologist –ALICE DONUT –Dry Humping The Cash Cow – Live At CBGB
9Stoned Train Driver –THE BEVIS FROND –Superseeder
10Running On Empty –JACKSON BROWNE –Running On Empty
11Regression –COUNT RAVEN –Messiah Of Confusion
12Chinatown –RED WIZARD –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 1: Thin Lizzy
13Indecent Desires Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
14Tyrant ’95 –TONY REED –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 3: Judas Priest
15Love Child –MOS GENERATOR –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2: Deep Purple
16No Class –MOTORHEAD –Overkill
17Little Green Men –ENTFRED/PETERSON –Peterson Mixes
18Night Of The Leech –NEKROFILTH –Worm Ritual
19No. 1 Girl –CHROME CRANKS –The Chrome Cranks
20Dry Bones –GOD BULLIES –As Above So Below
21Suicidal Winds –CELTIC FROST –To Mega Therion
22Ain’t That Love –SCRATCH ACID –Greatest Gift
23Chow –COWS –Daddy Has A Tail
24The Seeker –DEXTER ROMWEBER –Chased By Martions
25A Long Time Ago –’68 COMEBACK –7 Inch
26Jack The Ripper Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
27No Such Thing –LEGENDARY SHACK SHAKERS –Pandelerium
28Moulty –THE BARBARIANS –V/A: Nuggets – Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era 1965-68 Vol. 1
29Don’t Look Back –THE REMAINS –V/A: Nuggets – Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era 1965-68 Vol. 1
30I Can’t Stop Loving You –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Dictionary Of Cool
31Heretic Death Call –BLACK WITCHERY –Upheaval Of Satanic Might
32Down, Down, Down –TRUCKSTOP PREACHERS –The Truckstop Preachers
33(Jung Nev’s) Antidotes –THE FALL –The Marshall Suite
34Gas Station Speed –THRALL –Chemical Wedding
35James –ENTFRED/PETERSON –Peterson Mixes
36Ritual –SOVIET FRANCE –Soviet France EP
37Ask Me About Vampires –JAD FAIR & JASON WILLET –Enjoyable Songs
38Kill The Innocent –STICK MEN WITH RAY GUNS –Some People Deserve To Suffer
39La Marijuana –PAQUITA SERRANO –78 RPM
40Excerpt –CAROLINER –Transcontinental Pinecone Collector