Irrelevant Show Archives 2024

Sunday December 29, 2024: Shrew trekked down to the WMUC FM studio to tag-team and evil adventure to celebrate the upcoming New Year Apocalypse. Lot’s of really dark records and cassettes were strewn about the place and found their way to the turntable and cassette deck almost on their own. Enjoy!


1Goat –SATANIC ABORTION –Cold Blooded Satanists
2Flayed Ecclesian Sophistry –PROSANCTUS INFERI –Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitations
3Crimson Storm –DARK TRIBE –In Jeraspunta – Die Rückkehr der tollwütigen Bestie
4Through The Eyes Of Death –MORTA SKULD –Prolong The Agony
5Go Sit On A Beach/Death Of A Wolf –MISSING FOUNDATION –1933
6Subjection –ABHOMINE –Demonize Destroy Delete
7KarmaDERELENISMO OCCULARE –Inexurable Revelacion
8Night of Satanachia –AZAZEL –The Night of Satanachia
9Tyrant –CULT OF DAATH –The Grand Torturers Of Hell
10Verteufelung des Kosmos –WELTENTOD –Schändung des Heiligen Geistes
11Bloodcraving –MORTICIAN –Hacked Up For Barbeque
12Excerpt –ROOT –Heritage Of Satan
13Gutter Oil –NEKROFILTH –Worm Ritual
14Werewolf Semen & Blood –BEHERIT –Drawing Down The Moon
15Illegible –LUCERAN LYCAN HAUT –Blood & Oak
16Fall Down –HIDE –Castration Anxiety
17Burning Star –SATANIC PROPHECY –Azoth
18Intro/Duše nesmrtelných –MASTER’S HAMMER –Finished
19Introprincipio –ROOT –Heritage Of Satan
20No Love –EXODUS –Bonded By Blood
21Black Goat –WIND OF THE BLACK MOUNTAINS –Sing Thou Unholy Servants
22Night Of Suffering –VRKOLAK –Split LP w/Lythany
23A Viscious Ascension –LAMPIR –Demo IV
24Fucked –IDR –Fucking War
25Journey Through The Cold Moors Of Svartjern –CARPATHIAN FOREST –Through Chasm, Caves & Titan Woods
26צלי –BRADUNG –Triefe & Haram
27Within The Abyss –MARDUK –Fuck Me Jesus
28The Arcane Aristocracy –DEMONCY –Enthroned Is The Night
29Illegible –VIRULENT SPECTER –Cassette
30The Burning Church –LUCIFER’S HAMMER –The Burning Church
31Immortal Agony –WRAITH –Death Eternal
32O Guardian Cherub/Pale Fuck/Devout Piece Of Shit –PROFANATICA –7 Inch
33Injektion – Präparat/Ritual –MURMUR –Mainlining The Lugubrious
34Impius –BLUT AUS NORD –Deus Salutus Meae
35The Great Escape From Capricorn City –LA TORTURE DES TENEBRES –Civilization Is The Tomb Of Our Noble Gods
36Satanas Solum Initium –NACHTLICH –Satanas Solum Initium Est
37…von Blut und Verlust –OBSKENE SONARE –Todnachten
38Damned Christians –MOONBLOOD –The Evil Rules
39Versiculum: VI –FONSADERA –Macabre Damp

Sunday December 22, 2024: Did an Xmas themed show today in the WMUC FM studio based mainly on fodder sourced from Ed Special. No playlist required but some of the highlights were the 4 lost scrolls of Frosty, George W. Bush trying to read the Night Before Christmas and some 6 Million Dollar Man stories from a 7 inch and lots of novelty records. Enjoy!

Audio: https//

Sunday December 8, 2024: A rare in-studio broadcast as there was no place to broadcast from remotely. Three hours of fantastic music was aired along with a 20 minute mashup on how to disco. Enjoy!


1Anthem For Ophelia / Milk Maid –SPIRIT GIRLS –Forever Free
2Impossible Green –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Dictionary Of Cool
3Favorite Day –B.A.L.L. –Period
4Ride A Coal Black Mare –GIBSON  BROS. –Big Pine Boogie
5Happenstance –GIANT SAND –Glum
6Richard –KILLDOZER –Twelve Point Buck
7Let’s Go Disco Instructional LP Mashup –MASHUP –Mashup
8Someone Saved My Life Tonight –ELTON JOHN –Greatest Hits Vol. 2
9Side B Track 3 –BRADUNG –Trieife & Haram
10Bloodhunt –URGEHAL –The Moors Of Death
11Intro: Darkest Depth/The Embrace Of The Cold –GRIMM –Nordisk Winter EP
12Collapsing Inwards A Repugnant Existence/That Which Feeds Upon The Weakened Host –CTENIZIDAE –Of Rotting Soil and Spine
13Pull The Plug –DEATH –Leprosy
14The Defilers Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
15A Blaze In The Northern Sky –DARKTHRONE –A Blaze In The Northern Sky
16Church Bizarre –NUNSLAUGHTER –7 Inch
17Organized Meat –COWS –Orpheus’ Travesty
18Joy Of Gardening –BASTARDS –Monticello
19Have Lawn Chair Will Travel –GALACTAGOGUE –V/A: The Shape Of Sound Vol. 2 – Melbourne Australia
20Smoke –STEAK –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2 – Deep Purple
21Mafia Girls Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
22Massacre –MOS GENERATOR –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 1 – Thin Lizzy
23You’ve Got Another Thing Coming –HUDU AKIL FT. KELLEY JUETT –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 3 – Judas Priest
24I Know We’re Going –THE BEVIS FROND –Sprawl
25All My Life To Kill –LEGENDARY SHACK SHAKERS –Believe
26Sally –GOGOL BORDELLO –Gypsy Punks
27Lay Screaming –SCRATCH ACID –Greatest Gift
28Christian Rat Attack –STICK MEN WITH RAY GUNS –Some People Deserve To Suffer
29All Night Long –’68 COMEBACK –7 Inch
30Excerpt –ARTIST NOT IDENTIFIED –Asteroids Atari Sci Fi Adventures LP
31Nobody Loves The Hulk –ARTIST NOT IDENTIFIED –Marvel Cardboard Record
32Dope Head Blues –VICTORIA SPIVEY –78 RPM
33Mr. Ghost Goes To Town –THE 5 JONES BOYS –78 RPM
34What’s New Pussy –ED SPECIAL –Single
35Eggsactly What’s Inside (Excerpt) –MCDONALD’S RESTAURANT –Cassette

Sunday November 24, 2024: Sometimes I do a Thanksgiving oriented show. Sometimes I don’t. This year I did, but it’s basically just a bunch of random Thanksgiving content thrown up over a sound bed consisting of Zoviet France, Nurse With Wound and the Hafler Trio. A three hour mashup. Enjoy if you got the stomach!


Playlist? Nope.

Sunday November 17, 2024: Remote broadcast from the College Park Popeyes Restaurant as they wanted a live DJ to help unveil their new menu item: Live Chicken. The first 30 people got free bite sized “peeps”, basically just flash deep fried chicks. Not very many people came so I don’t think this will stay on the menu for long. Lots of great music was played though, mainly for chickens. Enjoy!


1Bastard Baby Boy –B.A.L.L. –Period
2Monkey On The Doghouse –LEGENDARY SHACK SHAKERS –Pandelirium
3Oh Gideon –THE BEVIS FROND –Sprawl
4Another Day Another Man Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
5Man Vs. Nature –KILLDOZER –Twelve Point Buck
6Grave City –STICK MEN WITH RAY GUNS –Some People Deserve To Suffer
7Nuclear Armed Hogs –GISM –Detestation
8El Espectro –SCRATCH ACID –Greatest Gift
9Mashup w/Reduce Weight Thru Listening –JASON CRUMAR –Services Rendered
10Golden Years –DAVID BOWIE –Changes One
12Beherit –BEHERIT –Messe Des Morts
13Metal Church –METAL CHURCH –Metal Church
14Baby Let’s Play God –BIG BOYS –Wreck Collection
15Snake Attack / Corporate Food –ANONYMOUS –7 Inch
16The Alley Tramp Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
17The Rub –’68 COMEBACK –7 Inch
18My Lover –DYNAMITE BROTHERS –Clap Along With The Dynamite Brothers
19In My Head –BLACK FLAG –In My Head
20Summer Breeze –BRADY BUNCH –Phonographic Album
21Through The Eyes Of Death –MORTA SKULD –Prolong The Agony
22Head Of Kurtz / Love You Like A Rock –DUST DEVILS –Struggling Electric & Chemical
23Don’t Know Much –BASTARDS –Monticello
24Pictures of Home –WORSHIPPER –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2: Deep Purple
25The Ripper –GREAT ELECTRIC QUEST –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 3: Judas Priest
26Are You Ready? –MOTHERSHIP –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol 1: Thin Lizzy
27Mr. Custer –LARRY VERNE –7 Inch
28Ghost Riders –SPADE COOLEY –Mr. Music Himself Volume 3
29The Sinister Monk Main Theme –EDGAR WALLACE –Single
30Gourmet Restaurant –RAY STEVENS –7 Inch
31Hit N Run –TRUCKSTOP PREACHERS –The Truckstop Preachers
32Sex Offender Shuffle –SCOTT GAIRDNER –Single
33Go To Hell –ALICE COOPER –Goes To Hell
34King Kong –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel
35Wet Dream –KIP ADDOTTA –Single
36Robert E. Lee Broke His Musket On His Knee –H.G. LEWIS & THE PLEASANT VALLEY BOYS –Single
37Stuck (cut short) –…AND THE NATIVE HIPSTERS –Concordes

Sunday November 3, 2024: Remote broadcast from the Maryland International Speedway in Mechanicsville, MD at the 27th annual Haltech World Cup Finals, Import vs. Domestic. I got to race a car and won, got some more hair pomade made out of the stuff that they slick tires with and spun a bunch of records. I actually left half the music I prepped at home so had to improvise a bit but it turned out to be a great show. Enjoy!


1Crucial Time –ROB K. –The End Of The Earth
2Jimi –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –Hairway To Steven
3The Entity –COUNT RAVEN –Mammon’s War
4I Am Mighty –GOD BULLIES –As Above So Below
5Mourning Creations Ruin –LUCIFER’S HAMMER –The Burning Church
6Past, Present, Future / Use Me –TEENAGE LARVAE –Songs For Pigs
7Mashup w/1946 Makeup Tutorial Film –SOVIET FRANCE/MASHUP –MASHUP
8The Grand Illusion –STYX –The Grand Illusion
9America –MOTORHEAD –Iron Fist
10The New Girl –COWS –Whorn
11Victim Of Changes –SATURN –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 3 – Judas Priest
12Speed King –GYGAX –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2 – Deep Purple
13Jailbreak –DUEL –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 1 – Thin Lizzy
14Enemy Of The People –KILLDOZER –Uncompromising War On Art Under The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat
15Mashup –PEACH OF IMMORTALITY/Old Voodoo Documentary –Mashup
16Complacent American –GERMAN SHEPHERDS –Music For Sick Queers
17No Reply –GIANT SAND –Chore Of Enchantment
18Ich sah sie schreiten durch das letzte schwarze Tor –OBSKENE SONARE –Todnachten
19Satan Place –JEANNIE C. RILEY –Harper Valley P.T.A.
20Track 2 Side B –GISM –Detestation
21It Gets A Little Red –’68 COMEBACK –7 Inch
22Angelic Dread / Looking Into The Abyss –NUNSLAUGHTER –Angelic Dread
23Tacent Over Ousidian Bastille –PALE SPEKTRE –Bereft of Xerotic Layers
24Tribal Convictions –VOIVOD –Dimension Hatross
25Infinite Regression –MUSIC FOR THE DEAF (MFD) –Full Volume
27If It’s Ok –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel
28Hockey / Prison Farm / Mr. Veal Chop / Rosenburgs –NATIONAL LAMPOON –Gold Turkey
29Over The Mountain –OZZY OSBOURNE –Bark At The Moon

Sunday October 27, 2024: Stopped by the WMUC FM studio in College Park high atop the South Campus Dining Hall and laid down a 3 hour mashup of spooky stuff in the Halloween vein. I started to create a playlist but abandoned the effort and just played a bunch of stuff, often at the same time. Enjoy!


Sunday October 20, 2024: Remote broadcast from the annual Turkish Festival in Washington, DC. Got do see some more whirling dervishes, had some Turkish coffee and met some belly dancers. Dick Butkiss developed a spine injury last week as he was giving breakdance lessons and couldn’t make it. I played long mashup about backpain in the second hour, surrounded by fantastic music. Enjoy!


1Chapter 3 –BLUT AUS NORD –Mort
2Platinum Pussycat Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
3Lydia’s Black Lung –ALICE DONUT –Bucketfulls of Sickness and Horror in an Otherwise Meaningless Lifew
4Good Lovin’ Gone Bad –KILLDOZER –For Ladies Only
5Wonder Worm –APPLE BRAINS –Get Fruity!!!
6Sister Sarah –HELIOS CREED –Boxing The Clown
7Groovin’ On A Saturday Night –BROTHER JOHN RYDGREN –Silhouette Segments
8Living In Vain –SNAKEFINGER –Against The Grain
9Loser –MOTORHEAD –Iron Fist
10Ye Olde Battle Axe –DANIELSON FAMILE –Tell Another Joke At The Ol’ Choppin’ Block
11Captor Of Sin –SLAYER –Haunting The Chapel EP
12Black Coffee –BLACK FLAG –Slip It In
13Pittsburgh To Lebanon –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –Locust Abortion Technician
14Ridin’ The Storm Out –REO SPEEDWAGON –Live In Denver, 1981
15Back Pain Mashup –MASHUP –Mashup
16Like A Dog In Heat Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
18All Night Long –’68 COMEBACK –7 Inch
19Satanville –GIBSON BROS. –Big Pine Boogie
20Savin’ My Heart For Parts –TRAVESTY LTD. –Teen Comedy Party 2000
21Wild Horses –ROLLING STONES –Hot Rocks
22Into The Fire –SATURN –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol 2: Deep Purple
23Dead Man Sitting On A Train –THE BEVIS FROND –Son Of Walter
24Shanty Tramp Theme Song & Radio Spot –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
25Bloodstone –JUDAS PRIEST –Screaming For Vengeance
26The Misery Shows Act IITROUBLE –Trouble
28Is That Your Hand? –JESUS LIZARD –Rack
29Paranoid Chant –THE MINUTEMEN –V/A: The Blasting Concept – An SST Compilation
30In My House –BIG BLACK –Single
31Crazy Dan –SCRATCH ACID –Greatest Gift
32Down And Out –BLACK LIPS –The Black Lips
34Strange Way –63 EYES –Gravel

Sunday October 13, 2024: Remote broadcast from BaBa’s Bean Baggery at their warehouse in Lanham, MD for the first annual Bean Bag Fiesta. I got to try out several different bean bags (northern white bean, lentil, kidney, black bean, peas, lima, etc.) and got a complimentary freebie of their brand new product: The Refried Bean Bag. Played 3 hours of music, including a rather long disturbing mashup during the first hour. Enjoy!


1Epitome IV –BLUT AUS NORD –777 Sect(s)
2Boty Proti Lasce –YVONNE PRENOSILOVA –7 Inch
3Up From The Depths Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
4Blow Your Mind –C*NTS –Apocalyptic Garage Rock
5Don’t Tell My Boy –MARVIN RAINWATER –Sings Golden Country Hits
7Rock On –DAVID ESSEX –Rock On
8The Robot Vs. The Aztec Mummy Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
9Two Minutes To Live –RALPH EMERY –7 Inch
10Highway To Hojo’s –REVERB MOTHERFUCKERS –Route 666
11My Boy Lollipop –MILLIE SMALL –7 Inch
12Processional Filth/Bathed In Offal –GOATCORPSE –Profane Exclamations Against Piety 7 Inch EP
13Monster From The Green Hell Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
14King’s Lead Hat –BRIAN ENO –Music For Airplay
15Laisse Tomber Les Filles –FRANCE GAIL –7 Inch
16Riding On The Wind –JUDAS PRIEST –Screaming For Vengeance
17Damned For All Time –SCRATCH ACID –Greatest Gift
18The Great Smoke Off –SHEL SILVERSTEIN –Single
19The Day The World Ended Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
20Russian Band Stand –SPENCER & SPENCER –7 Inch
21Burn –HIGH REEPER –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2: Deep Purple
22Solitude –BLACK SABBATH –Master Of Reality
23Racer X –BIG BLACK –Racer X
24Track One –KULT OFENZIVY –Tak Jsem Ti Prizval K Sobe
25Bike –PINK FLOYD –Relics
26Watusi Zombie –JAN DAVIS –7 Inch
27I’m Gonna Vote Republican –YOGI YORGESSON –Single
28The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
29I’m So Bad (Baby I Don’t Care) –MOTORHEAD –1916
30Lady Of The Lake –RAINBOW –Long Live Rock & Roll
31The Hearse –PAUL CHAPLAIN –Single
32Strangler In The Night –ALBERT DESALVO –Single
33Mad Goat Song –SESAME STREET –TV Show
34Rockin’ Pow Wow –THE FIVE BLOBS –Single
35October Anywhere –GIANT SAND –Giant Sandwich
36The Green Slime Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
37How Do You Tell A Child That Someone Has Died –THE BLACK LIPS –Good Bad Not Evil
38Twenty Five Chickens, Thirty Five Cows –SHORTY WARREN & HIS WESTERN RANGERS –7 Inch
39Evil Eyes –TOMMY VIG –Terror Circus Themes
40The Flying Saucer Goes West –BUCHANAN & GOODMAN –Single

Sunday October 6, 2024: Remote broadcast from Cleveland Ohio at the Cleveland Browns football stadium for their game against the Washington Commanders. Program Director Mauro sent me there when the game was actually in the DC area, so I hung out by a stream and spin three hours of great music. Enjoy!


1Agony Of Flies –HEPA.TITUS –Champaign Of Incest
2Thundering Hooves –ACID WITCH –Stoned
3Pagan Island Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
4Bus To Beelzebub –SOUL COUGHING –Ruby Vroom
5Public Disservice/Alternative Child –NATIONAL LAMPOON –Radio Hour/Greatest Hits
6Take Up The Cross –PROFANATICA –Crux Simplex
7Sweet Home Alabama –KILLDOZER –Live On WFMU – Brian Turner’s Show
8Subferal –BLUE SAUSAGE INFANT –Negative Space
9Plato’s Cave –HELIOS CREED –Planet X
10White Hats-Black Hats –TOMAHAWK –Oddfellows
11Viking Women & The Sea Serpent Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
12Apocalyptic Breakfast –C*NTS –Apocalyptic Garage Rock
13Dirt Preacher –GIBSON BROS. –Dedicated Fool
14Going To Brazil –MOTORHEAD –1916
15I Married A Monster From Outer Space Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
16In The City –THE EAGLES –Very Best Of
17Legendary –THE BEVIS FROND –Any Gas Faster
18Supertzar/Killing Yourself To Live –BLACK SABBATH –North American Tour Live ’75
19Fireball –RED WIZARD –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2: Deep Purple
20Killing Machine –JUDAS PRIEST –Killing Machine
21Problem Child –AC/DC –Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
22Stink Foot –FRANK ZAPPA –Apostrophe (‘)
24Pickled Garbage Soup –COWS –Orphan’s Tragedy
25Castle Of Blood Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
26Narcosatanist –NEKROFILTH –Nganga
27Big Maz In The Desert –SWELL MAPS –Jane In Occupied Europe
28Dunning Kruger –JESUS LIZARD –Rack
29Veni Vidi Vici –BLACK LIPS –Good Bad Not Evil
30Atom Age Vampire Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
31Cadillac Man –’68 COMEBACK –7 Inch
32Thin Line Man –GIANT SAND –Giant Sandwich
33Pool Game –63 EYES –Gravel
34Not Here Not Now –ANGELS OF LIGHT –We Are Him
35The Black Scorpion Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
36The Rhino & The Meercat –….AND THE NATIVE HIPSTERS –Here Comes Concordes Again
37The Tigers Have Spoken –NEKO CASE –Tigers Are Noble

Sunday September 29, 2024: Remote broadcast from Washington, DC from a booth at the FiestaDC event. Got to eat some great food and spun some great tunes for the festival attendees. Enjoy!


1And When It Rains, The Gods Are Bowling –JOHN SHEEHAN –V/A: Jacksonian March Anthologies 
2We Are Sand –ORSON & THE TRUE GOATS –V/A: Space Meat Show 
3Barking Or False Point Blues –THE BEVIS FROND –Son Of Walter 
4When Is A Man / Bird –B.A.L.L. –Bird 
5Casiotone Nation –SOUL COUGHING –Ruby Vroom 
6Crack Attack –BIG STICK –Single 
7Superior Catholic Finger –HELIOS CREED –Superior Catholic Finger 
8Step Right Up –BLACK LIPS –Good Bad Not Evil 
9Tumble & Tear –GIANT SAND –Giant Sandwich 
10Call From The Grave –BATHORY –Sign Of The Black Mark 
11Yoke –OXBOW –Fuckfest 
12Chant Zado –COLLECTIF NOX –V/A: Dry Lungs Vol. III 
13New Age Hell –PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH –V/A: Dry Lungs Vol. III 
14Mesmeritis (full album) –SAGIT STOR –Bandcamp ( 
15Tiny Desk (Home) Concert –NEGATIVLAND –Live Internet Concert 
16Gemusemaschine –BLUE SAUSAGE INFANT –V/A: District Of Noise Vol. 4: A Compilation of Experimental Music From Washington, DC 
17God Of Wrath –METAL CHURCH –Metal Church 
18Exciter –JUDAS PRIEST –Stained Class 
20Space Odyssey –WILLIAM SHATNER –Calling Major Tom 
21Chaos Descends –CIRITH UNGOL –One Foot In Hell 
22Demon’s Eye –BIG SCENIC NOWHERE –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2: Deep Purple 
23Hide & Seek –THE JESUS LIZARD –Rack 
24Cow Island –COWS –Orphan’s Tragedy 
25You Nought Me –FLIPPER –Gone Fishin’ 
26I’ll Do What You Say –THRALL –Chemical Wedding 
27Kerosene –BIG BLACK –Atomizer 

Sunday September 22, 2024: Remote broadcast from Crownsville, MD for the Maryland Renaissance Festival. I ate 2 turkey legs bigger than my arms and spun some great records. Enjoy!


1U.S.S.A. –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –Locust Abortion Technician
2Evil Eye –PUSSY GALORE –Dial M For Motherfucker
3Mysterians Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
43 On a Meat Hook –MORTICIAN –Hacked Up For Barbecue
5Rocket Man –WILLIAM SHATNER –Single
6Unhappy Meal –HAPPY FLOWERS –Oof
7These Dark Days –THE BEVIS FROND –Any Gas Faster
8Kansas City Star –ROGER MILLER –3rd Time Around
9Art Bell Loses It –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show
10What If –JESUS LIZARD –Rack
11Sex Power Money –GOD BULLIES –7 Inch
12The Horror Of Party Beach Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
13Zyvani Uterni –MASTER’S HAMMER –Finished
14French Toast Man –FRED LANE & HIS HITTITE HOTSHOTS –Car Radio Jerome
15Pussy Is A Monarchy –COWS –Orpheus’s Travesty
16You’re In My Heart –ROD STEWART –Foot Loose & Fancy Free
17Exposition / We Can Work It Out –DEEP PURPLE –The Book Of Taliesyn
18Perfect Strangers –DEEP PURPLE –Perfect Strangers
19Highway Star –GREAT ELECTRIC QUEST –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2: Deep Purple
20Frankenstein Meets The Space Monster Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
21For Those About To Rock, We Salute You –AD/DC –For Those About To Rock, We Salute You
22Pain & Pleasure –JUDAS PRIEST –Screaming For Vengeance
23No Class –MOTORHEAD –Live At Aylesbury Friars, 1979
24Fallen Angel –COUNT RAVEN –Messiah Of Confusion
25Psalm 9 –TROUBLE –Psalm 9
26Something Weird Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
27Bulls Eye –OXBOW –Fuckfest
28Earthworm –FLIPPER –7 Inch
29Media Person/Zombie Apocaypse/Det Ar Upp Till Oss –NEKROFILTH –7 Inch
30Enochian Lexicon III –THRONEUM –The Tight Deathrope Act Over Rubicon
31Creature Feature Promo –TV PROMO –TV Promo
32Dragon’s Egg –SATANIC WARMASTER –Fimbulwinter
33Just Fucking Die –SACROCURSE –Gnostic Holocaust
35The Classic Radio News Broadcasts –JACK BENNY (NARRATOR) –Original Broadcasts From Wonderful Old Time Radio
36My Friend Thor –ANGELS OF LIGHT –Sing Other People
37Preacher’s Daughter –END OF THE WEST –Bent
38Ear To The Ground –THE WHISKEY DAREDEVILS –Greatest Hits Vol. 2
39Our Last Weekend –63 EYES –I’m Not Me But I Play Me On TV Cassette
40There Goes Concordes Again –…..AND THE NATIVE HIPSTERS –Single
41Treasure Map Song (Cut Short) –McDONALD’S RESTAURANTS –Cassette

Sunday August 25, 2024: Remote broadcast from Washington, DC for the annual WOW Indonesian Festival. Had some deep fried crickets and played a lot of great music. Enjoy!


1Bridge Over Troubled Waters –PEGGY LEE –Bridge Over Troubled Waters
2All Hope Is Gone With You Away –THE BEVIS FROND –Son Of Walter
3Morning Dew –TH3YN3V3RSL33P –Mother Nature Sings Her Lullaby
4The Ride Pt. 2 –CALEXICO –7 Inch
5Gypsy –MERCYFUL FATE –Don’t Break The Oath
6Tales Of Brave Ulysses –TROUBLE –Psalm 9
7Dorothy –ALICE DONUT –Bucketfulls Of Sickness & Horror In An Otherwise Meaningless Life
8Love Me Now –THE CYNICS –Get Our Way
9Trucker’s Last Dollar –THE COWSLINGERS –7 Inch
10Groundhog –BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE –The Best Of
11Hold Tight (Want Some Seafood Mama) –FATS WALLER –Ain’t Misbehavin’
12Invisibility Ray –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show
13Dreamboat Annie/Crazy On You –HEART –Dreamboat Annie
14Quiet Village –MARTIN DENNY –7 Inch
15Draft Resister –STEPPENWOLF –Monster
16Charlie Got A Haircut –HAPPY FLOWERS –7 Inch
17Christ Decays –EVIL ANGEL –Unholy Evil Metal
18The Hellion/Electric Eye –JUDAS PRIEST –Screaming For Vengeance
19Skeletons –INFLATABLE BOY CLAMS –7 Inch
20Cow Island –COWS –7 Inch
22The Wrong Name & The Wrong Number –MARK STEWART & THE MAFIA –V/A: Myths Collection Pt. 1
23Shake Your Rump (Cut Short) –BEASTIE BOYS –Love American Style EP
24Perfect Strangers –YOB –V/A: Bow Down To Your Masters Vol. 2: Deep Purple
25Texas Wine –JON WAYNE –Texas Funeral
26(We Are) The Road Crew –MOTORHEAD –Ace Of Spades
27The Bat –THE VENTURES –Ventures In Space
28Samauri Fight Song –ARAB ON RADAR –7 Inch
29Cheap City Halo –THE CHINESE STARS –A Rare Sensation
30Belly Dance Routine 3 –OZEL TURKBAS –Dance Into Your Sutan’s Heart
31Excerpt –STAR WARS –Star Wars Movie Soundtrack
327 Vs 8 –THE JESUS LIZARD –7 Inch
33She –THE MISFITS –Static Age
34Ruby (Desert Storm Mix) –GOD BULLIES –7 Inch
35Gypsy –DIO –Holy Diver
36That’s My Ronald (Reprise) –MCDONALD’S RESTAURANT –That’s My Ronald Cassette
37I Can’t Wait Much Longer –ROBIN TROWER –Live
38Fire Lake –BOB SEGAR & THE SILVER BULET BAND –Cobo Arena Detroit 1980
39Killer’s Instinct –PAT TRAVERS BAND –Heat In The Street

Sunday August 11, 2024: Did another remote from Paris France today for the Olympics Closing Ceremony events and got out of the dog park and into one of the events. I got to ride some roller coasters and it was a pretty smooth show. Enjoy!


1The Cave –LONGSHOREMEN –Grr Huh Yeah
2Chicken Rhythm –COWS –7 Inch
3Refreshing –HALF JAPANESE –7 Inch
4Witchita Buzzcut –WHISKEY DAREDEVILS –Greatest Hits Vol. 2
5The Tempter –TROUBLE –Psalm 9
6Art Bell Resignation –PHIL HENDRIE –Phil Hendrie Show
8Ten dvanacterak Zmizel v housti –MASTER’S HAMMER –Jilennicky Okultista
9The Last In Line –DIO –The Last In Line
10Your Spaceman –HELIOS CREED –7 Inch
11The Lion Is A Pushy Cat –MIKE SIMPSON –Jungle Odyssey
12Monster Rock –JOHNNY WHITAKER –Friends
13Join Satan’s Army –GOD BULLIES –7 Inch
14Balls To The Wall –ACCEPT –Balls To The Wall
15The Ripper –JUDAS PRIEST –Sad Wings Of Destiny
16Red Hair –THE BEVIS FROND –Son Of Walter
18Politician –CREAM –The Very Best Of
20Space Truckin’ –KOOK –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Volume 2: Deep Purple
21High On Infinity –COUNT RAVEN –High On Infinity
22Bunny Fly –BOSS HOG –7 Inch
23I Live Alone –THE CYNICS –7 Inch
24G.I. Haircut –SPIKE JONES & HIS CITY SLICKERS –On The Air 1943 & 1944
25Santa Was My Lover –CULTURCIDE –Single
26Eat Lead –AT WAR –Ordered To Kill
27The Entrance To Gehenna –LUCIFER’S HAMMER –Hymns To The Moon Chapter One
28AM –BLACK DEATH CULT –Devi’s Paradise
29For Crying Out Loud –SCRATCH ACID –Berserker
30Good Thing –JESUS LIZARD –Head
31Blister –MOTHERHEADBUG –V/A: Mesomorph Enduros
32Nervous Breakdown –BLACK FLAG –V/A: The Blasting Concept – An SST Compilation
33Trailer Trash –COWSINGERS –Hangover Hoedown 7″ EP
34All My Friends Are Getting High –CHINESE STARS –Listen To Your Left Brain
35How Does It Feel? –THRALL –Lifer
36Early Days Of Channel Fuhrer –THE FALL –Heads Roll
37Dreams –RIPPING DYLANS –Tumours
38Manhole –TSU SHI MA MI RE –V/A: Australian Cattle God 2005
39Ringo Is Dead + (Excerpt) –NEGATIVLAND –Over The Edge
401929 Radio Broadcast Documentary –OLD TIME RADIOOld Radio Documentary

Sunday August 4, 2024: Another remote broadcast from the Olympics in Paris, France. Still stuck in the dog park, so I just spun records for the canine’s and their humans. Apparently there was a bad storm back in Maryland and a half hour of the program (3:30-4pm est.) was not captured so that is lost in the ether. Great show though. Enjoy!


1Comforting The Bears –THE SPIRIT GIRLS –Forever Free
2Looking For Trouble –THE ALLIGATORS –Rock & Roll For Monsters & Supermodels
3Nothing Wrong –HELIOS CREED –7 Inch
4Harper Valley PTA –JEANNIE C. RILEY –V/A: 20 Solid Gold Hits
5Cut –MINUTEMEN –Buzz Or Howl Under The Influence Of Heat
6White Hot –BLACK FLAG –In My Head
7Don’t Play Cards With Satan –DANIEL JOHNSTON –V/A: A Texas Trip
8Don’t Misunderstand Me –ROSSINGTON COLLINS BAND –Anytime Anyplace Anywhere
9Child In Time –ASPHODEL WINE –V/A: Bow To Your Masters Vol. 2 – Deep Purple
10I Want More –MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP –One Night At Budokan
11Intro/The Answer –FRANK MARINO & MAHOGANY RUSH –Live
12Ode To A Black Man –THE DIRTBOMBS –Ultraglide In Black
13Return To The Eve (1985 Studio Jam) –CELTIC FROST –To Mega Therion
14Stay Clean –MOTORHEAD –Overkill
15Black And White –HENRY ROLLINS –Hot Animal Machine
16Hybrid Moments –THE MISFITS –Static Age
17At The Graves –KING DIAMOND –The Conspiracy
18Maple Truck Tires –CAROLINER –Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
19Saneeto –MASTER’S HAMMER –Finished
20Division Of Robes –PROFANATICA –Crux Simplex
21You’re Mine Till I Die –TOKYO MATSU –The Country Lady From Japan
22Whole Lotta Rosie –COWSLINGERS –Bullseye
23Little Rosa –RED SOVINE –Live on TV
24Sonnet ’96 –KILLDOZER –7 Inch
25Solution To Pollution –MORTON DOWNEY, JR. –Sings
26Evil Guru –HAND OVER HEAD –7 Inch
27Cannibals Hymn –NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS –Abbatoir Blues
28Haunted House Of Love (Malcolm Mix) –WORKDOGS –Single
29Slang King –THE FALL –The Frightening World Of The Fall
30Sieve (Acoustic) –COWS –Orpheus’ Travesty

Sunday July 28, 2024: Remote broadcast from Paris, France as part of the 2024 Olympic Games. We were supposed to be in a stadium setting but got relegated to a local dog park. Bittersweet really as Dick Buttkiss is terrified of dogs, so it was a traumatizing experience for him but like a Benny Hill episode for me as I saw him run by every few minutes with a pack of dogs chasing him. 70% French Poodles. The dogs outnumbered the humans. Great show, enjoy!


1The Miz-Maze –THE BEVIS FROND –The Auntie Winnie Album
2I Saw The Light –KILLDOZER –7 Inch
3It’s Over –GOD BULLIES –Plastic Eye Miracle
4Ich Bins –EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN –Fuenf Auf Der Nach Oben Offenen Richterskala
5People –BOYD RICE & FRIENDS –Music, Martinis & Misanthropy
6Overkill –MOTORHEAD –Overkill
7Lucifer –MASTER’S HAMMER –Finished
8Slur –COIL –Horse Rotorvator
9Center Of The Universe –GIANT SAND –7 Inch
10Holy Diver –DIO –Holy Diver
11One Foot In Hell –CIRITH UNGOL –One Foot In Hell
12The Unpopular President –DERRIC JOHNSON & THE RE’GENERATION –The Best Of The America Is Radio Series
13Uncle Albert –PAUL & LINDA MCCARTNEY –Single
14Victim Of Changes –JUDAS PRIEST –Sad Wings Of Destiny
15Over The Edge –ARMORED SAINT –Delirious Nomad
16Symptom Of The Universe –OZZY OSBOURNE –Speak Of The Devil
17The Giver & The Taker –COUNT RAVEN –Sixth Storm
18Cry For The Nations –MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP –One Night At Budokhan
19Theme For A Jackal –THE MISFITS –Static Age
20God Of Thunder –KISS –Destroyer
21Goodnight No One –THE WAILIN’ ELROYS –Cheap Motel
22Mystified (Version) –THE DIRTBOMBS –7 Inch
23I’m Missing –COWS –Peacetika
24King Ink –BIRTHDAY PARTY –Prayers On Fire
25At The Devil’s Churns –BEHERIT –At The Devi’s Studio 1990
26Curse Of Malignancy –BLACK WITCHERY –Spit Picture Disc w/Revenge
27A Corpse Without A Soul –MERCYFUL FATE –Mini Album
28The Man Who Loved Couch Dancing / Memphis Beat –GIBSON BROS. –The Man Who Loved Couch Dancing
29Subterranean Homesick Blues –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel
30How Does It Feel –THRALL –Lifer
31Blue Collar Kin –MORTON DOWNEY, JR. –Sings
32Lunatic Of God’s Creation –AMON –Sacrifice/Feasting The Beast
33One Bullet Blues –ANGRY JOHNNY & THE KILLBILLIES –Puttin’ The Voodoo On Monroe
34Buffalo Skinned By All The Kings Men –TODD BURGE –My Lost And Found
35Reefer Madness Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
36Glamourous/Deaf As A Bat/Panic In Cicero –THE JESUS LIZARD –Peel Session 1991

Sunday July 21, 2024: Remote broadcast from some unknown megachurch in the forest. Shrew came down from Baltimore. We were originally gonna tag team but when I saw the amount of records he brought that I never heard I insisted he do most of the programming, which was fantastic. Pretty much all black metal. Enjoy!


1Imperator –BLOOD –Split 12 Inch w/Nunslaughter
2Impius –BLUT AUS NORD –Deus Salutis Meae
3Narcosatanist –NEKROFILTH –Nganga
4Za smlouvou pekelnou –MASTER’S HAMMER –Finished
5Co jest lidské? Hlásám vám nadčlověka –KULT OFENZIVY –Radikální ateismus – Tvůrcům nadčlověka
6Our Necropsy –DR. SHRINKER –Split 7 Inch w/Nunslaughter
7Goat HornessGRAUSAMKEIT –Fucking Goat Horness
8Under The Cold Fullmoon –MOONBLOOD –Under The Cold Fullmoon
9The Depths Of The Slavic Land –DIABOLICAL FULLMOON –The Depths Of The Slavic Land
10Kronet –ILDJARN –93
11Drink The Blood From The Skull –CULT OF DAATH –Slit Throats & Ritual Nights
1213 Candles –BATHORY –Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
13The Prophecy –CULTES DES GHOULES –Coven
14Mysterii I –AARKANNE –Mysterii
15Obegripelik –WAGNER ÖDEGARD –Gryningenne
16Lurching Hand Of Fate –WURDULAC –Lurching Hand Of Fate
17Into Damnation Eternal –BLACK WITCHERY –Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom
18The Dark Promise –VLAD TEPES –Black Legions Metal
19 Nothing As Darkness –DARK TRIBE – Jeraspunta Die Ruckkehr Der Tollwitigen Bestie
20The Oath Of Black Blood –BEHERIT –At The Devil’s Studio 1990
21Bestial Form Of Humanity –HULDER –De oproeping van middeleeuwse duisternis
22Altitude Sickness –ARCANIST –Caustic Apparitions
23Ancient Ones Rules Us All Again –AZAZEL –Crucify The Jesus Christ Again
24The Blood Of Sacrifice –BLACK OFFAL MESSIAH –7 Inch
25Column Of Astrological Memories –LA TORTURE DES TENEBRES –Civilization Is The Tomb Of Our Noble Gods
26A Plague In The Heart Of Light –LEECHES –A Plague In The Heart Of Light
27Bak To Lysendy Oyne –SORT VOKTER –Folkloric Necro Metal
28Klarlikt –WAGNER ODEGARD –Om kosmos och de tolv järtekn
29Ephebophilic Wraith –REVENANT MARQUIS –Youth In Ribbons
30In Anguine Redivivus Virulence –PALE SPEKTRE –Bereft of Xerotic Layers
31Von Nun An Sei Alles Staub –WINGS OF EVIL –On The Wings Of All Evil
32Itzam Na Send a Storm –XIBALBA –Ancients
33Abyss Of Knives –BURIER –Wielding Malignity
34Ignorance & The Grotesque –BLACK SPIRIT –El sueño de la razón produce monstruos

Sunday July 14, 2024: Remote broadcast from Riverdale Park. Hung out with the kids in the 102 degree weather and played some warped records. Great show, enjoy!


1Democracy –LEONARD COHEN –The Essential
2Night Has Fallen Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailier
3Gun Shot Blues –WORKDOGS –Masters Of The Talking Blues
4Death Of A President Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
5Kill The King –RAINBOW –Long Live Rock & Roll
6Good King Wencenslaus –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –7 Inch
7Sniper At The Gates Of Heaven –THE BLACK ANGELS –Passover
8Attractive Target (Excerpt) –NEGATIVLAND –The World Will Decide
9The American President Movie Trailer (Cut Short) –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
10Don’t Shoot Me –THRALL –Hung Like God
11Shoot You In The Back –MOTORHEAD –Ace Of Spades
12My Mangled Blown Up Head –ANGRY JOHNNY & THE KILLBILLIES –Killville Auto Salvage Vol. 2
13Shot In The Head –RUSTED SHUT –Dead
14El Presidente –HERB ALPERT & THE TIJUANA BRASS –South Of The Border
15Butternut Bread Snoopy For President Commercial –BUTTERNUT BREAD –TV Commercial
16Bad America –GUN CLUB –The Las Vegas Story
17Tyrant –JUDAS PRIEST –Sad Wings Of Destiny
18Tyrants –IMMORTAL –Sons Of Northern Darkeness
19Bad President Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
20Wrath Of The Tyrant –EMPEROR –Wrath Of The Tyrant
21Dethroned Emperor –CELTIC FROST –Morbid Tales
22Vice Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
23Liar For Hire –D.O.A. –War On 45
24Stars & Stripes Of Corruption –DEAD KENNEDYS –Frankenchrist
25Leave The Capitol –THE FALL –Slates
26Fresh Wound –BONZO DOG BAND –Let’s Make Up & Be Friends
27Head Of State Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
28Black President –RUDIMENTARY PENI –The Eps of RP
29Don’t’ Shoot Me (I’m A Man) –DEVO –Something For Everyone
30King Kong Pt. 1 –THE JIMMY CASTOR BUNCH –7 Inch
31Big King Frog –MILK CULT –Burn Or Bury
32King Of Sling –GOD BULLIES –Kill The King
33Dave Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
34King Of Mexico –THE FORTY FIVES –Get It Together
35End Of Time –JESTERS OF DESTINY –Fun At The Funeral
36The King Of Kings –MOTORHEAD –V/A: WWE – Wreckless Intent
37Snoopy For President –THE ROYAL GUARDSMEN –7 Inch
38Tell Me Mr. President –EUGENE MCDANIELS –7 Inch
40King Of The Nightime World –KISS –Destroyer
41King Of The Dead –CIRITH UNGOL –Servants Of Chaos
42Kings Of Evil –VENOM –Cast In Stone
43King Of Sex –KILLDOZER –Snakeboy
44King Of Sex –TULIPS –7 Inch

Sunday June 16, 2024: Remote broadcast today from Big Daddy’s Pizza in Parumph, NV for their Father’s Day Shindig 2024. The place was 500 acres and had an Art Bell museum. Not only that, but the Art Bell museum had a bathroom in it and that bathroom had a Starbucks in it with it’s own bathroom as well. Got to try the 1,000 pepperoni pizza, a local favorite. Great show, hope you enjoy!


1Porky’s Dad –KILLDOZER –God Hears Pleas Of The Innocent
2Rub Your Daddy’s Lucky Belly –NINE POUND HAMMER –Kentucky Breakdown
3What Daddies Do –LOIS LENSKI –Patterns Of Language Level B
4Daddy Was A Nazi –HAND OVER HEAD –7 Inch
5Papa Won’t Leave You Henry –NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS –Henry’s Dream
6I Wanna Gal Just Like The Gal That Married Dear Old Dad –SPIKE JONES & HIS CITY SLICKERS –On The Air
7Daddy –JULIE LONDON –The Best Of Julie London
8The Mad Daddy –THE CRAMPS –Songs The Lord Taught Us
9Don’t Let Daddy Kiss Me –MOTORHEAD –Bastards
10Father Figures Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
11Big Daddy –JERRY REED –When You’re Hot, You’re Hot
12Eye Socket To You Daddy –THRALL –7 Inch
13Daddy Rolling Stone –FORTY FIVES –High Life High Volume
14High Geared Daddy –WEBB PIERCE –Just Webb Pierce!
15Big Daddy –BOOTS RANDOLPH –Best Of
16Deputy Martin Calls Big Daddy’s Pizza –DEPUTY MARTIN –Phone Prank
17Daddy –RED SOVINE –Best Of
18Please Sell No More Drink To My Father –ELSA LANCHESTER –Songs For A Smoke Filled Room
19About My Father Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
20Father, Son & The Goalie Post –ARAB ON RADAR –Yahweh Or The Highway
21Daddy Was A Vampire –THE METEORS –Meteor Madness
22Mommy & Daddy Were Alien Gods –THRALL –Chemical Wedding
23Daddy Rich Part 1 –HIJACK –Single
24Rattlesnake Daddy –THE BAILEY BROTHERS & THE HAPPY VALLEY BOYS –V/A: The Rich-R-Tone Story – The Early Days Of Bluegrass Vol. 5
25My Grandfather –STEVEN WRIGHT –I Still Have A Pony
26Wait Till Your Father Gets Home –ED GEIN’S CAR –You Light Up My Liver – Live At CBGB’s
27The Kids Are Getting Out Of Hand –TODD BURGE –Never Say Uncle
28My Heart Belongs To Daddy –PAT SUZUKI w/HENRI RENE & HIS ORCHESTRA –Miss Pony Tail
29Father O’Blivion –FRANK ZAPPA –The Apostrophe
30When I Grow Up I Want To Be Like Daddy –ARTIST NOT IDENTIFIED –Happy Birthday Party Songs
31The Father Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
32Rattlesnakin’ Daddy –HAWKSHAW HAWKINS –Volume 1
33Daddy’s Little Boy –DICK TODD –7 Inch
34Mom, Dad & Father –GASWAR –Girl Vanishes On Way To Jive Club
35Doggie Daddy –DOGGY DADDY & AUGIE DOGGIE –Tell The Story Of Pinocchio
36Married, 2 Kids –THE FALL –Code: Selfish
37I Dreamed That My Daddy Come Home –WESLEY TUTTLE & THE COON HUNTERS –78 RPM
38Daddy What If –BOBBY BARE –7 Inch
39Don’t You Rock Me Daddy-O –BOB CORT SKIFFLE GROUP –78 RPM
40Come To Poppa –BOB SEGAR & THE SILVER BULLET BAND –Night Moves
41The Father Of The Groom –SCOTT & TODD –Best Of
42My Heart Belongs To Daddy –ARTIE SHAW w/KITTY KALLEN –Plays Cole Porter & Irving Berlin
43Quien Es Papa Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
44Daddy (Rollin’ In Your Arms) –DION –7 Inch
46Just Like Your Daddy –JEANNE PRUETT –7 Inch
47Daddy’s Home –THE HALFBREEDS –7 Inch
48My Father’s Father –ST. JOHNNY –7 Inch
49Daddy-O (I’m Gonna Teach You Some Blues) –DINAH SHORE –7 Inch

Sunday June 9, 2024: Remote broadcast from The Metrobar in Washington, DC for their Disco Day Party as part of the weekend Capitol Pride event. Hung out mostly outside as inside was too crowded and smelled like dog poop. Dick Buttkiss wore assless chaps but disappeared into the crowd. I think he fell in love. I spun 3 hours of fine musics. Enjoy!


1When The Levee Breaks –KILLDOZER –7 Inch
2White House Girls –ED HALL –Motherscratcher
3Vyssi Smysl –KULT OFENSIVY –Symfonie Oceli
4Zerstorte –EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN –Fuenf Auf Der Nch Oben Offenen Richterskala
5Gangbusters –KLAUS FLOURIDE –The Light Is Flickering
6Skogssvinet (Beast Of The Woods) –ILDJARN –Ildjarn
7We Gotta Get Outta This Place –FEAR –The Record
8Double Dork Piggy –SOCKEYE –Retards Hiss Past My Window
9Humanity Noosed –REVENGE –Split 12″ w/Black Witchery
10Chaos Descends –CIRITH UNGOL –One Foot In Hell
11E5I50 / The Mob Rules –BLACK SABBATH –Mob Rules
13Porn Wars –FRANK ZAPPA –Meets The Mothers Of Prevention
14The Seeker –DEXTER ROMWEBER –Chased By Martians
15Privitej Smrt –MASTER’S HAMMER –Finished
16Big Ass –ALICE DONUT –The Biggest Ass 12 Inch
17The Descent –HELIOS CREED –X-Rated Fairy Tales
18Super Superman –DICKIE GOODMAN –Single
19The Triangle –TSOL –Dance With Me
20Don’t Touch That –THE JACKOFFICERS –Digital Dump
21Louis Collins –THE GIBSON BROS. –The Man Who Loved Couch Dancing
22The Five Steps –WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS & MARTIN OLSON –V/A: The Myths Collection Pt. 1
23Lady’s Leg Licked –WEVIE STONDER –Kenyan Harry EP
24American Woman –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –Rembrandt Pussyhorse
25I Can’t Stop Thinking About It –THE DIRTBOMBS –Horndog Fest
26Attack Of The Puppet People Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
27Why Aren’t You There? –STEPFORD HUSBANDS –V/A: There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Needle
28Just A Little Bit –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Dictionary Of Cool
29Hands –CARNEY, HILD & KRAMER –Happiness Finally Came To Them
30That’s My Ronald –McDONALD’S RESTAURANTS –Cassette
31The Man From The World –NEGATIVLAND –Over The Edge: The Chopping Channel
32The Black Ring –HAVOHEJ –Tale Of Uncreation
33It’s Over –GOD BULLIES –Plastic Eye Miracle
34Goin’ By The Book –JOHNNY CASH –The Mystery Of Life
35Endless Blockades For The Pussyfooter –GISM –V/A: P.E.A.C.E. International Compillation
36Midnight –KRAMER –The Secret of Comedy
37Foxes Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
38You See Me Crying –AEROSMITH –Toys In The Attic

Sunday May 26, 2024: Remote broadcast from The Big Bounce America event at Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, MD. This is the biggest bounce house in the world, confirmed by the Guinness Book of World Records. I bought some gripper socks and got bouncy without getting sick. Lot’s of great music was played too. Enjoy!


1The End Of The World –BOYD RICE & DAVID TIBET –The Way I Feel
2Jaky Jsem Nalezl Duvod? –KULT OFENZIVY –Radikalni Ateismus Courcum Radcloveka
3F.I.A.T. –LAIBACH –Opus Dei
4Zombies Of The Stratosphere –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
5Intro / Nesmrteinych –MASTER’S HAMMER –Finished
6Doomed Planet –CIRITH UNGOL –One Foot In Hell
7Witches Tit –ACID WITCH –Witchtanic Hellucinations
8Procreation Of The Wicked –CELTIC FROST –Live @Mean Fiddler, London UK 8-19-2006
9The Madman From Waco –COUNT RAVEN –High On Infinity
10Condemned To Unholy Death –PROFANATICA –Crux Simplex
11The Astonishing She Monster Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
12Upheaval Of Satanic Might –BLACK WITCHERY –Upheaval Of Satanic Might
13Houston Law Man –CULTURCIDE –Tacky Souvenirs of Pre-Revolutionary America
15The Air That I Breathe –THE HOLLIES –Greatest Hits
16Seasons In The Sun –SPELL –Single
17Marijuana Ed 101 1050s Style –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
18Courvoisier Concerto / Lost Horizons –MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP –One Night At Budokhan
19American Nightmare –THE MISFITS –Legacy Of Brutality
20Save The Aliens –McDONALDS RESTAURANTS –Cassette
21Neon Nights –BLACK SABBATH –Heaven & Hell
22Goblin Juice –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show
23Trapped Under Ice –ABBATH –Dread Reaver
24The Alligator People Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
25Lamb –REVENGE –Attack, Blood, Revenge
26Squant –NEGATIVLAND –Over The Edge Vol. 5
27You Naught Me –FLIPPER –Gone Fishin’
28Say Uncle –COWS –The Missing Letter Is You
29Infinite Regression –MFD (MUSIC FOR THE DEAF) –Full Volume
30Bardot Hotel –ROB K./MDA –Purgatory Home Companion
31The Secret Of The Band –KRAMER –The Secret Of Comedy
32The Hut Of Baba Yaga –Emerson Lake & Palmer –Pictures At An Exhibition
33Nosferatu / Twist & Shout –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel
34Give Me A Break –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Dictionary Of Cool
35Blood On The Bluegrass –LEGENDARY SHACK SHAKERS –Cockadoodledon’t
36Return Of The Jedi Returns –DICKIE GOODMAN –Single
37Two Lives –63 EYES –Gravel
38The Black Scorpion Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
39Styrofoam –VIC CHESNUTT –Silver Lake

Sunday May 19, 2024: Remote broadcast from the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, TX for the 153rd Annual Meeting & Exhibits event. It was NRA youth day. Dick Buttkiss tried to attend the NRA Women’s New Energy Brunch but got kicked out. The National Prayer Breakfast sucked but the music was really good. Enjoy!


1Guns (Then) –NEGATIVLAND –Guns
2I Chose The Gun –ANGRY JOHNNY & THE KILLBILLIES –Puttin’ The Voodoo On Monroe
4Hubley Toy Guns Commercials –OLD TV COMMERCIALS –Old TV
5Straight Outta Homeroom –REMY –YouTube
7Kitchen Gun –BBC TV –Old TV
8The Man With The Golden Gun –LULU –Single
10Don’t Shoot Me –THRALL –Hung Like God
11The Gun Addict Song –JORDAN WINKLER –YouTube
12Toy Gun Commercials –OLD TV COMMERCIALS –Old TV
14Guns Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
15Buy A Shotgun –THE GREGORY BROTHERS –YouTube
16O’Malley’s Bar –NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS –Murder Ballads
18Bonnie & Clyde –GIDDIE & BOYD –Single
19Four Fast Guns Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
20Saturday Night Special –LYNYRD SKYNYRD –Gold & Platinum
21Happiness Is A Warm Gun –BEATLES –The White Album
22Son Of A Warm Gun –THE BEVIS FROND –The Leaving Of London
23Ban This Song –THE BALLARD BROTHERS –YouTube
24Gun Control Debate / Gun Tips –PHIL HENDRIE –Phil Hendrie Show
25Running Gun –MARTY ROBBINS –Gunfighter Ballads & Trail Songs
26My Fat Chance Is Getting Thinner –TODD BURGE –Dreams Upstairs
27Gunmaking Lock Stock & Barrel –OLD BRITISH TV –Old British TV
28Johnny Eagle Toy Gun Commercials –OLD TV COMMERCIALS –Old TV
29Blown To Pieces –MORTICIAN –Hacked Up For Barbeque
30Shakiest Gun In The West Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
31Bikini Girls With Machine Guns –THE CRAMPS –Stay Sick
32Two Dollar Pistol –THE COWSLINGERS –Coast To Coast
33The Guns Of Navarone Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
34The Guns Of Navarone –THE SPECIALS –Live
35Eat The Gun –MOTORHEAD –Overnight Sensation
36Shootin’ Shell Fanner 50 Toy Gun Commercials –OLD TV COMMERCIALS –Old TV
37Don’t Take Your Guns To Town –JOHNNY CASH –The Essential Johnny Cash
38Guns Ablazin’ –ANTISEEN –Great Pogo Hits
39Turkey Shoot –KILLDOZER –Uncompromising War On Art Under The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat
40Forty Gun Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
41Military Toy Commercials –OLD TV COMMERCIALS –Old TV
42Guns (Now) –NEGATIVLAND –Guns

Sunday May 5, 2024: Remote broadcast from the Cinco Sunday Celebration Downtown at Fourth Street Live in Louisville, Kentucky. Dick Buttkiss was a human pinata for a TikTok video that was being made. The first two hours were Cinco de Mayo flavored, the last hour was everywhere. Enjoy!


1Mexican Pantyraid –COWSLINGERS –7 Inch
2Cinco de Mayo –THE KIBOOMERS PERESCHOOL –Mexican Holiday Song
3Senorita –THE WHISKEY DAREDEVILS –Introducing The Whiskey Daredevils
4Pennsylvania Mexican –HICKOIDS –Waltz A Crossdress Texas
5Welcome To Mexico –CHEECH & CHONG –Cheech & Chong
6Cuatro Tacos –DJ LECHERO –YouTube
7Buenos Tardes Amigo –WEEN –Chocolate & Cheese
8Café Con Leche –WEVIE STONDER –Eat Your Own Ears
9Cinco de Mayo –WAR –Outlaw
11Cinco de Mayo –UNKNOWN ARTIST –Source Unknown
12El Chubasco –LOS COLORES –V/A: Tex Mex Fiesta
13Declarate Inocente –LOS CUATITOS CANTU –V/A: Tex Mex Fiesta
14Mexican Blackbird –COWSLINGERS –7 Inch
15Beverly Hills Chihuahua Song –UNKNOWN ARTIST –Source Unknown
16Mexican Radio –CELTIC FROST –Into The Pandemonium
17Going To Mexico –MOTORHEAD –Aftershock
18Mexican Caravan –BUTTHOLE SURFERS –Psychic…Powerless…Another Man’s Sac
19Mete y Saca –ISAAC VILLANUEVA –V/A: 20 Cumbias Con Mariachi Fiesta Mexicana
20Across The Wire –CALEXICO –Feast Of Wire
21Ciendo LindoMARIACHI NUEVO TEALITLAN –Music To Drink Tequila With
22Cinco de Mayo –UNKNOWN ARTIST –Source Unknown
23If Mexican Parents Made A Rap Song –THE CRAZY GORILLA –YouTube
24La Mancornadora –ARTIST NOT IDENTIFIED –The Hottest Mariachi In Mexico
25No Bailes de Cabalito –CASIMIRO ZAMUDIO –V/A: 20 Cumbias Con Mariachi Fiesta Mexicana
26Pollo Asado –WEEN –The Pod
27The Crystal Frontier –CALEXICO –The Ballad Of Cable Hogue
28The Burro Show –COWSLINGERS –7 Inch
29Dirty Sanchez –COWSLINGERS –Boot ‘N’ Rally
30Mr. Rocky –DICKIE GOODMAN –Single
31The Most Beautiful Girl In The World –CHARLIE PRIDE –Single
32Bloodcraving –MORTICIAN –Hacked Up For Barbecue
3313 Candles –BATHORY –Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
34The Edge Of Forever –ORDER FROM CHAOS –Stillbirth Machine
35Seasick –JESUS LIZARD –Peel Sessions 1991
36Penetralia –COIL –Horse Rotorvator
37Hordes Of Empire –GRAVELAND –In The Glare Of Burning Churches
38Skeletons In The Closet –ROB K./MDA –Purgatory Home Companion
39The Man With The Fold Back Ears –FRED LANE –The One That Cut You
40Mertz, A Force Of Nature, Hard & Soft Thinking, The Good Life, CarsNEGATIVLAND –Over The Edge
41Perfect Scrambled Eggs –NEGATIVLAND –V/A: Potatoes
42Our Last Weekend –63 EYES –I’m Not Me But I Play Me On TV

Sunday April 28, 2024: Remote broadcast from Dover Motor Speedway in Dover, Delaware for the 2024 Wurtz 400 NASCAR Cup Series race. 400 one mile laps with soundtrack provided by the Irrelevant Show. Great show! Enjoy!


1Fun In The Fundus –FRED LAND w/RON PALE’S DEBONAIRES –The One That Cut You
2Enter The Eternal Fire –BATHORY –Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
3Abrahamic Godhead Besieged By Adversarial Usurpation –NYOGTHAEBLISZ –Abrahamic Godhead Besieged by Adversarial Usurpation
4An Actual Attack –NEGATIVLAND –Ikebana: Merzbows Amlux Rebuilt, Reused & Recycled
5Mammons War –COUNT RAVEN –Mammons War
6The Arena Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
7Za Jmlduvou Pekelnov –MASTERS HAMMER –Finished
8O’Hell –JOHN OSWALD –Plunderphonics
9Barrel Of Satans –BREATHILIZOR –Demonic Eyeless Oboe Concerto In The Rue Morgue
10Bad Penny –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Kick Out!
11Cripple Creek –MR. HOBART SMITH –Instrumental Music Of The Southern Appalacians
12Blizzard Beasts –IMMORTAL –Blizzard Beasts
13Seasons In The Sun –TERRY JACKS –Seasons In The Sun
14Zip It –MORTON DOWNEY, JR. –Sings
15The Devil Song –SHAKIN’ JAKE WOODS –Jake On The Move
16’72 Chevy Malibu –LORDS OF THE HIGHWAY –V/A: Motormadness Vol. 2
17Symptom Of The Universe –BLACK SABBATH –Live World Tour ’76-77
18Demring –ILDJARN –Minnesjord – The Dark Soil
19Pictures At An Exhibition –EMERSON LAKE & PALMER –In Concert
20Arnold’s Wrecking Company Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
21Lord Of The Thorns –EMPEROR –Wrath Of The Tyrants
22First Night’s Dream –ROB K./MDA –Purgatory Home Companion
23Frontman –NEW KINGDOM –Heavy Load
24Bird Of Prey –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel
25Monkey Trick –JESUS LIZARD –Peel Sessions 1991
269th Grade Child –63 EYES –Gravel
27The Gates To The Kingdom Of Darkness/Outro –GRAVELAND –In The Glare Of Burning Churches
28Y2K –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show
29Baboon Climbs The Mountain –…AND THE NATIVE HIPSTERS –Single
30Circles Of Mania –COIL –Horse Rotorvator
31Or Maybe A Marine –RESIDENTS –Our Finest Flowers
32Alabam –COWBOY COPAS & JOHNNY BOND –V/A: 20 Country Hits
33Christine –SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES –Kaleidoscope
35Drunk At Last, As Date With Ham, Etc. –NEGATIVLAND –Over The Edge
36S.O. 36 –KILLING JOKE –Killing Joke

Sunday April 21, 2024: A rare in-studio show where I got to push buttons, go WHEEEEEEEEEEEE and spin 3 hours of great music. Enjoy!


1Takin’ Care Of Business –D.O.A. –True (North) Strong & Free
2Industrial Band –CULTURCIDE –Tacky Souvenirs of Pre-Revolutionary America
33 Banger –THE HEROINE SHEIKS –Siamese Pipe
4One After 909 –LAIBACH –Let It Be
5The Hook Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
6Tama Pekel –MASTERS HAMMER –Finished
7Schmerzen Horen –EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN –Strategies Against Agriculture
8Sad Go Round –CURRENT 93 w/NICK SOLOMAN –Single
9Is There Anybody Out There? –DWARVES –How To Win Friends And Influence People
10Long Distance Running –…AND THE NATIVE HIPSTERS –Single
11Intro: Innfer / Kronet –ILDJARN –93
12Life Is Cheap –FLIPPER –Album Generic Flipper
13Pink Spare Woman –SHAKIN’ JAKE WOODS –Jake On The Move
14Animal Orchestra –JAD FAIR & JASON WILETT –Enjoyable Songs
15At My Job –DEAD KENNEDYS –Frankenchrist
16Fooled Around & Fell In Love –ELVIN BISHOP –Wolfman Jack’s Midnight Party
17Night Of The Graveless Souls –EMPEROR –Emperor
18Equimanthorn –BATHORY –Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
19The Fugitive Girls Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
20Green Manalishi –CORROSION OF CONFORMITY –Eye For An Eye
21Rotting Nazarene –AZAZEL –Jesus Perversions
22Follow The Leader –GOD BULLIES –Mamawombwomb
23Dear Prudence –JACK ELLISTER –V/A: Fruits de Mer
24The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill –CRANIUM PIE –V/A: Fruits de Mer
25Nearby Goodbye –63 EYES –Gravel
26Fancy –BOBBIE GENTRY –Fancy
27Hollywood Babylon –THE MISFITS –Static Age
28Look In The Mirror –ROB K./MDA –Purgatory Home Companion
29Bloody Mary –JESUS LIZARD –Peel Sessions 1991
30Godhead/Deathhead –COIL –Scatology
31Mr. Dealer –MORTON DOWNEY JR. –Sings
32Haunted House Of Love (Bond Side) –WORKDOGS –Single
33Skin –SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES –Kaleidoscope
34The Master Of The Flying Guillotine Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
35My Huckleberry Friend –GIBSON BROS. –Memphis Sol Today!
36Hope It Bees Me –HEPA.TITUS –Blue Fat Pussy
37A No No –DANIELSON FAMILE –Tell Another Joke At The Ol’ Choppin’ Block
38Shiver –GIANT SAND –Chore Of Enchantment
39Ready For A Change –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Dictionary Of Cool
40Closet Of Dark Clouds –RANDY GRIEF –Bacteria & Gravity
41Devil –GIELE DIEBE –Goth Punk Greats
42Last House On The Left Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
43Beautiful Child –SWANS –Children Of God
44Nanook Rubs It –FRANK ZAPPA –The Apostrophe

Sunday April 14, 2024: Remote broadcast again from the University of Maryland Farm. Hung out with the animals, ate ice cream and played 3 hours of music about war. Enjoy!


1Wartime –WARTIME –Fast Food For Thought
2Commercial –GI JOE –Commercial
3Chemical Warfare –SLAYER –Haunting The Chapel
5Commercial –GI JOE –Commercial
6Warhead –VENOM –Cast In Stone
7Sacrifice –FLIPPER –Gone Fishin’
8Commercial –GI JOE –Commercial
9Unholy Vengeance of War –BLACK WITCHERY –Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom
10Let’s Start A War –FEAR –The Record
11Star Wars Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
12Cemetery Flowers –ROB K –Paradise Garage
13My War –BLACK FLAG –My War
14Nazi Weird War II Promo –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
15War In The East –D.O.A. –War On 45
16Army Brat –HEROINE SHEIKS –Siamese Pipe
17War –FUHRER –V/A: Eastern Front – Live At Ruthie’s Inn
18War Pigs –BLACK SABBATH –North American Tour ’75
19Social Warfare –COUNT RAVEN –Storm Warning
20We’re Americans / Bozo’s Marching Song –LARRY HARMON –Bozo In The Army
21Civil War Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
22War –BATHORY –Bathory
23Ordinary Man –GOD BULLIES –War on Everybody
24World War Weird Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
25Kinky Sex Makes The World Go ‘Round –DEAD KENNEDYS –Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death
26War Eternal –CIRITH UNGOL –One Foot In Hell
27At War With The Army Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
28Nuclear War –VOIVOD –War And Pain
29Warlord Of Misanthropy –CARPATHIAN FOREST –Morbid Fascination Of Death
30Commercial –GI JOE –Commercial
31The War Starter –SAINT VITUS –Born Too Late
32War Of The Worlds Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
33Walk The Path Of War –TRUPPENSTURM –Fields Of Devastation
34Wartorn –ANGEL CORPSE –Exterminate
35Commercial –GI JOE –Commercial
36Total War –WAR –We Are Total War
37Warfare Noise –GOAT SEMEN –Demo 2003
38Dogs Of War –SENTINEL BEAST –V/A: Eastern Front – Live At Ruthie’s Inn
39World War 3 –DICKIE GOODMAN –Single
40Commerical –U.S. MARINE CORPS –Commercial
41War And Pain –VOIVOD –War And Pain
42GI Joe Theme Song –GI JOE –Cartoon Theme Song
43Seven Jinn –HAVOHEJ –Table Of Uncreation
44Chapter 3 –BLUT AUS NORD –Mort

Sunday April 7, 2024: Remote broadcast from the Erie Bible Church in Erie, PA for the Rapture/Armageddon “Celebration” to coincide with the solar eclipse tomorrow, which Erie, PA has been designated one of the best locations to view it. The first hour is mainly really good black metal. Enjoy!


1Cleanliness & Order –BOYD RICE & DANIEL MILLER –V/A: Darker Scratcher
2Metanoia –BLUT AUS NORD –Deus Salutis Meae
4Hitz Egin –NEGU GORRIAK –Ideia Zabaldu
5Goat Semen –GOAT SEMEN –Demo 2003
6Torso Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
7Jesus Perversions –AZAZEL –Jesus Perversions
8Utsyn, del 1-2 –ILDJARN –Minnesjord – The Dark Soil
9I Am The Black Wizards –EMPEROR –Emperor EP
10Simon, King Of The Witches Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
11Call From The Grave –BATHORY –Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
12Doomed To Walk The Earth As Slaves Of The Living Dead –CARPATHIAN FOREST –Morbid Fascination Of Death
13Os Abysmi Vel Daath –TEMPLE OF VOID –V/A: Morbid Tales – A Tribute To Celtic Frost
14If The Dead Could Speak / Devil Metal / Black Beast –NUNSLAUGHTER –Split 7 Inch w/Crucifier
15Let’s Fight –HEROINE SHEIKS –Rape On The Installment Plan
16Solar Lodge –COIL –Scatology
17The Children Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
18Come Back –MISFITS –Static Age
19Chow –COWS –Daddy Has A Tail
20Dr. Death Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
21Sinatra –HELMET –Strap It On
22Too Bad –HELIOS CREED –Superior Catholic Finger
23Do It Now/It’s OK –THRALL –Chemical Wedding
24Curse Of The Witch Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
25Some Day –FLIPPER –7 Inch
26Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey –THE LUCK OF EDEN HALL –V/A: Fruits de Mer 7 Inch
27Helter Skelter –THE PRETTY THINGS –V/A: Fruits de Mer 7 Inch
28Pointed Dome –HEPA.TITUS –Blue Fat Pussy
29The Swinging Man –BLACK FLAG –My War
30Werewolves On Wheels Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
31Dark Night/Lonely Guy –FLAT DUO JETS –Lucky Eye
32Man Walks In –DEXTER ROMWEBER –Blues That Defy My Soul
33The Pussy Cat Song –CONNIE VANNETT –7 Inch
34Final Exam Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
35A-Me-Ri-Ca –TRINI LOPEZ –7 Inch
36Newly Married –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show
37Devil’s Playground –NINE POUND HAMMER –Hayseed Timebomb
38My Pen –63 EYES –Gravel
39Dallas Cowboys –CHARLIE PRIDE –7 Inch
40Watergrate –DICKIE GOODMAN –7 Inch
41Don’t Let Nobody Tie You Down –JIM & JESSE –7 Inch
42Scum Of The Earth Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
43Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love To Town –JOHNNY DARRELL –7 Inch
44Sitting On The Mong Everyday –DO GRIN EDITS –Spymania Vol. 1
45WTF Is Art Rap? –OPEN MIC EAGLE –Unapologetic Art Rap
46Real Cool Cowboy –WILD MAN FISCHER –Nothing Scary
47Waterloo –HOMER & JETHRO –7 Inch
48Better The Devil –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Dictionary Of Cool

Sunday March 31, 2024: The 12th Annual Eatser Freekout! This year was a best of prior Freekouts from 2012-2024. At The Irrelevant Show, Easter is WAY scarier than Halloween. Hope you enjoy this very chaotic show!


No Playlist Required.

Sunday March 17, 2024: Great remote broadcast from Dublin, Ireland for their St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Unfortunately, no recording of this show was captured so there is nothing to enjoy this week unless you heard it live.

Audio: This show was not recorded.

Sunday March 10, 2024: Remote broadcast from the 96th Academy Awards Oscar Ceremony at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA. Lots of celebrity sightings and Jimmy Kimmel bought and paid for all my hot dogs! Great show, enjoy!


1Track 4 –ITCHY-OBurn The Navigator
2Metanoia –BLUT AUS NORD –Deus Salutis Meae
3Spiders On Drugs –YOUTUBE VIDEO –YouTube
4Baptism (Come To War) –BROTHER JOHN RYDGREN –Sillohuette Segments
5The Gun & The Bible –NEGATIVLAND –Free
6Have You Ever Been Conned / Psychic Attack –THRALL –Chemical Wedding
7Raise The Dead –BATHORY –Bathory
8Wandering Mongrel –THE HEROINE SHEIKS –Rape On The Installment Plan
9The Dog Was Dead –LEGENDARY SHACK SHAKERS –The Southern Surreal
10Pirate Radio Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
11Ode –ILDJARN –Ildjarn 93
12Obsessed With The Visions Of A Satanic Priest / Midnight Mass –NUNSLAUGHTER –Live In Japan 3 7 Inch Box Set
13Pollo Asado –WEEN –The Pod
14Talk To Me Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
15Circle Of The Tyrants –CELTIC FROST –Only Demos Are Real
16Go This Way –FLAT DUO JETS –Lucky Eye
17Blues That Defy My Soul –DEXTER ROMWEBER –Blues That Defy My Soul
18Static Age / TV Casualty –THE MISFITS –Legacy Of Brutality
19Break My Back –THE KONKS –The Konks
20Art Bell Contacts Ray Walston –PHIL HENDRIE –Phil Hendrie Show
21Flowers Are Machines As Well –AND THE NATIVE HIPSTERS –Songs To Protest About
22Savoy Truffle –THE SEVENTH RING OF SATURN –V/A: Fruits Der Mer 2X 7 Inch
23Long Long Long –HENRY PADOVANI –V/A: Fruits Der Mer 2X 7 Inch
24Serenade –STEVE MILLER BAND –Fly Like An Eagle
25Radio Rebel Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
26The End Of The Earth –ROB K –The End Of The Earth
27Two Eggs –THE COWSLINGERS –Americana A-Gogo
28Peter Gunn –EMERSON LAKE & PALMER –In Concert
29Couldn’t Get Ahead –THE FALL –458489 A Sides
30Radio Days Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer
31We All Die Together –HEPA.TITUS –Blue Fat Pussy
32The Viking Sea –COUNT RAVEN –Messiah Of Confusion
33Nag Nag Nag –SUDDEN INFANT –Invocation Of The Aural Slave Gods
34Train Kept A Rollin’ –SHOCKABILLY –Dawn Of Shockabilly
35Inflation In The Nation –DICKIE GOODMAN –Dickie Goodman’s All Time Novelty Hits
36Os Abysmi Vel Daath –TEMPLE OF VOID –V/A: Morbid Tales – A Tribute To Celtic Frost
37Load And Mount –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel
38Underwater Wave Game –ADULT –V/A: Plum 10 7 Inch Box Set
39You Make The Scene –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Definition Of Cool
40Duse Nesmrtelnych –MASTER’S HAMMER –Finished
41The Kraken –SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS –Perennial Favorites
42Sound Trap / If It Wasn’t The Wolves, Then What Was It? –COIL –Gold Is The Metal

Sunday February 18, 2024: Remote broadcast from Arlington Cemetery in Virginia for the Dead President’s Day Celebration. Pretty quiet place, but I brought the noise! Enjoy!


1Somniphobia –SUDDEN INFANT –Psychotic Einzelkind 
2Sex Crime Numbers 4 & 5 –HEPA-TITUS –Blue Fat Pussy 
3Apostesis –BLUT AUS NORD –Deus Salutis Meae 
4Excerpt –CAROLINER –Rainbow Scrambled Eggs Taken For A Wife 
5I Wanna Get In Your Pants –THE CRAMPS –Look Mom, No Head 
6Braniac Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer 
7Neptune –HELIOS CREED –Boxing The Clown 
8Not Of Evil –BREATHILIZOR –Demonic Eyeless Oboe Concerto In The Rue Morgue 
9Emperor In Hell / Murmur –NUNSLAUGHTER –Hear The Witches Cackle 
10Excerpt –ARCOLAFORTUNATA –Weapons Of Mass Destraction 
11122523I –PUS  BONG –Pronk 
125 O’Clock Shadow –CLINGY –I’m Gonna Fake My Way Right Into Your Heart 
13Tunnel Of Goats VI / Elves –COIL –Constant Shallowness Leads To Evil 
14Excerpt –BLOOD RED OSCARS –Split w/Sideshow Bob 
15Wonder Worm –APPLE BRAINS –Get Fruity!! 
16Return To The Eve –CELTIC FROST –1985 Demo 
17Baphomet Throne Exaltation –BLACK WITCHERY –Upheaval Of Satanic Might 
18What I’ve Been Waiting For –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel 
19Things Will Never Be The Same –SPACEMEN 3 –Perfect Prescription 
20Wild Mountain Honey –STEVE MILLER BAND –Fly Like An Eagle 
21Stuck –GIANT SAND –Center Of The Universe 
22Horror Chamber Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer 
23Lawn Plugs –63 EYES –63 Eyes 
24Your Good Girl Is Gonna Go Bad –SHOCKABILLY –Dawn Of Shockabilly 
25Satanic Mass / The Making Of Satanic Mass –COVEN –Witchcraft Destroys Minds And Reaps Souls 
26Satan’s Hand –COWSLINGERS –Americana A Go-Go 
27Wild Ravin’ –THE SPINNS –7 Inch 
28Regurgitation –SUFFERING BASTARDS –Split 10 Inch w/Cock E.S.P. 
29Pope’s Esophogus –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show 
30Looky Here –BAD LIVERS –Blood & Mood 
31Dear Mary –NEGATIVLAND –Points 
32Gerald Ford – A Special Report –DICKIE GOODMAN –Single 
33Some Else Is In My Grave –THE JAM MESSENGERS –The Message Of The Jam 
34Shine –COUNT RAVEN –Messiah Of Confusion 
35Space Child –SPIRIT –Twelve Dreams Of Dr. Sardonicus 
36Rabbit’s Foot –WHISKEY DAREDEVILS –The Golden Age Of Country Punk 
37Cherry Orchards –ACID WITCH –V/A: Morbid Tales – A Tribute To Celtic Frost 
38Thunder Perfect Mind / Christ & The Pale Queens Mighty In Sorrow –CURRENT 93 w/NICK SOLOMAN –Single 
39The Good Fight –BILLY VALENTINE –They’re Gonna Hate You Anyway 
40Plastic Surgery –MEANDERTHAL –V/A: A Damn Ant 

Sunday February 11, 2024: Remote broadcast from Las Vegas at the Super Bowl Pre-Party. Lots of people showed up. I almost landed the halftime show but they gave the gig to some guy named Usher. Maybe next year. Great show with a nice football related mashup in the middle. Enjoy!!


1Dog Star –HELIOS CREED –Planet X 
2Abattoir –WOODY BOP MUDDY –Single 
3Revelatio –BLUT AUS NORD –Deus Salutis Meae 
4God Damn Devil –THRALL –Hung Like God 
5My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean –THE CAROLING DOGS OF COPENHAGEN –Singing Dogs 
6Safety Third –MELVINS/LUSTMORD –Pigs Of The Roman Empire 
7Wretch –PUSSY GALORE –Right Now! 
8Mr. Magic –AND THE NATIVE HIPSTERS –There Goes Concorde 
9Don’t Fool Me –NEGATIVLAND –Deathsentences Of The Polished And Structurally Weak 
10Hard Day’s Night –SHOCKABILLY –Dawn Of Shockabilly 
11Nocturnal Fear –MUNICIPAL WASTE –V/A: Morbid Tales – A Tribute To Celtic Frost 
12Football Mashup –NEGATIVLAND/SLASHER DAVE/JASON CRUMAR –Football Mashup 
13The Dark Dusk Abyss –GRAVELAND –In The Glare Of Burning Churches 
14Death Trip –BAD LIVERS –Blood & Mood 
15Football Mashup –NEGATIVLAND/SLASHER DAVE/JASON CRUMAR –Football Mashup 
16Game of Life 1st Half –ED SPECIAL –Ed Special Archives 
17The Halftime Show –TOM PATCHETT & JAY TARSES –Instant Replay (Two Sides Of Football) 
18Game Of Life 2nd Half –ED SPECIAL –Ed Special Archives 
19Heretic Death Call –BLACK WITCHERY –Upheaval Of Satanic Might 
21The Embalmer Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer 
22The Lie Of Life –COUNT RAVEN –Messiah of Confusion 
23Gloria Allred –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show 
24One Long Pair Of Eyes –ROBYN HITCHCOCK & THE EGYPTIANS –Queen Elvis 
25Man And Monster And Bloody Vampire Movie Trailer –MOVIE TRAILER –Movie Trailer 
26Cheerleaders Wild Weekend –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel 
27Best Seller Blues –TODD BURGE –Tin Since 
28Robot –ERIK LINDGREN –V/A: Lyrics By Ernest Noyes Brookings 
29Meal –WILLIAM WILDING –The Golden Hammer 
30Human Pony Girl –SAMHAIN –November Coming Fire 
31Beating The Horse –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Dictionary Of Cool 
32Cow Jazz/Car Chase –COWS –Taint Pluribus Taint Unum 
33New York 2001 –WHISKEY DAREDEVILS –Good Times 
34Maybe –THE BEVIS FROND –Miasma 
35The Green Manalishi (with The Two-Pronged Crown) –JUDAS PRIEST –Unleashed In The East 
36Los Rancheros –BUTT SOCRATES –V/A: A Damn Ant 

Sunday February 4, 2024: Remote broadcast from the campus farm, hanging out with the cows and sheep (and a dog). The animals always have peace and quiet, so they like it when I come by and play loud noisy stuff. Just like we like peace and quiet from our hectic noisy days. Great show, enjoy!


1Chorea Macchabeorum –BLUT AUS NORD –Deus Salutis Meae
2Ode to Minch / Final Beherit Fantasy / Treadmill Bitch / Ghosts of Black Metal –SLOTH –Split 7 Inch w/Minch
3Nebular Ravens Winter –IMMORTAL –Blizzard Beasts
4Remove And Replace –THRALL –Hung Like God
5Stabbed By An Angel –HEROINE SHEIKS –Out Of Aferica
6Dairy Queen –DWARVES –How To Win Friends and Influence People
7The Everlasting Terror –THE SPAWN OF SATAN –The Spawn Of Satan
8Cry Baby Cry –THREE MINUTE TEASE –V/A: Fraits de Mer Double 7 Inch
9Glass Onion –THE BEVIS FROND –V/A: Fraits de Mer Double 7 Inch
10Chikon IV –TEENAGE LARVAE –Pelt Of The Sun 7 Inch
11Voodoo Chile –STEEL POLE BATH TUB –7 Inch
12Cherry –NEGATIVLAND –Deathsentencens Of The Polished & Structurally Weak
13Nothing Going On –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show
14The Divided World –COUNT RAVEN –Messiah Of Confusion
15060409aED SPECIAL –Ed Special Archives
16Procreation Of The Wicked –PERSEKUTOR –V/A: Morbid Tales – A Tribute To Celtic Frost
17The Dawn Of Samhain –GRAVELAND –Promo June 1992
18Little Bitty Town –BAD LIVERS –Blood & Mood
19America ’81 –DICKIE GOODMAN –Single
20Journey To The Sun –NEW KINGDOM –Paradise Don’t Come Cheap
21Blood Oath –BLACK WITCHERY –Upheaval Of Satanic Might
22Around And Around –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel
23One God, No Master –GIELE DIEBE –14 Goth Punk Greats
24A Long Time Ago –WHISKEY DAREDEVILS –Good Times
25Polka –BRAVE COMBO –V/A: Lyrics By Ernest Noyes Brookings
26Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down –SHEB WOOLEY AS “BEN COLDER” –Promo
27Death Of Rock –DAEVID ALLEN –Death Of Rock & Even More Entrances
28Humanity Part 2 –LORDS & LADY KEVIN –Single
29Who –63 EYES –Live 1996
30Dark Matter –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Night & Day

Sunday January 14, 2024: A rare in studio broadcast. The first hour was mainly metal and the last two hours were a rebroadcast of a show Ed Special did on WCBN FM in Ann Arbor, MI that was called “Sun & Planets”. The recording is missing the first track and a half and the last 20 minutes or so. Sorry. Enjoy!!


1Procreation Of The Wicked –PERSEKUTOR –V/A: Morbid Tales: A Tribute To Celtic Frost
2Dethroned Emperor –BLACK ANVIL –V/A: Morbid Tales: A Tribute To Celtic Frost
3Red Is The Color Of Ripping Death –NUNSLAUGHTER –Red Is The Color Of Ripping Death
4Ain’t No Baby –NEGATIVLAND –Deathsentences Of The Polished & Structurally Weak
5Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom –BLACK WITCHERY –Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom
6Prediction –COUNT RAVEN –Messiah Of Confusion
7Hideous Dream Opus #3 –BLUT AUS NORD –Disharmonium – Nahab
8Go Sit On A Beach / Death Of A Wolf –MISSING FOUNDATION –Single
9Co-Pilot –NEW KINGDOM –Paradise Don’t Come Cheap
10She Said –SCRATCH ACID –Greatest Gift
11I Said I Wanna Watch Cartoons –HAPPY FLOWERS –Oof
12Space 1999 –KILLDOZER –12 Point Buck
13Sun & Planets –ED SPECIAL –Special Ed – WCBN FM Ann Arbor, MI

Sunday January 7, 2024: Remote broadcast from a stream behind AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX from the Washington Commanders vs. Dallas Cowboys game (only the game was in DC). New Program Director Mauro sent us to the wrong venue, but a great show was had. Enjoy!


1The Endless Multitude –BLUT AU NORD –Disharmonium Nahab
2Precaution Procedure / Mighty Big Boots –GAMMA GOAT –Beard Of Sound, Beard Of Sand
3I’m The Stupid One –HAPPY FLOWERS –I Crush Bozo
4The Usurper –CHILD BITE w/PHIL ANSELMO –V/A: Morbid Tales: A Tribute To Celtic Frost
5Really Suck –PUSSY GALORE –Right Now
6Casket Lid Creaks –NUNSLAUGHTER –Red Is The Color Of Ripping Death
7Cannibal –SCRATCH ACID –Just Keep Eating
8Feel Real Good –OBLIVIONS –Sympathy Sessions
9Scream –COUNT RAVEN –Mammon’s War
11Gaebrie –TRANSJOIK –Mahkalahke
12Human Scar / Mind Killer / Nobody Survives –TRAFFIC DEATH –Split 7 Inch w/Lurking Corpses
13New Planet –PHIL HENDRIE AS ART BELL –Phil Hendrie Show
14Psychotic Reaction / Heart Full Of Soul –SHOCKABILLY –The Dawn Of Shockabilly
15High Heel Shoes –THE JAM MESSENGERS –Night And Day
16Richard –KILLDOZER –12 Point Buck
17Get It Together –THE FORTY FIVES –Get It Together
18She’s Not There –THE VENTURES –Knock Me Out
19The Stallion (Pt. 3) / Big Jilm –WEEN –Pure Guava
20Election ’80 –DICKIE GOODMAN –Single
22Magicke Noci –PLASTIC PEOPLE OF THE UNIVERSE –Egon Bondy’s Happy Hearts Club Banned
24Soul On Fire –SPIRITUALIZED –Songs In A&E
25Tonight –WHISKEY DAREDEVILS –Good Times
26Pickin’ A Lock –TOD BURGE –Tin Since
27Father Complex & The Solution Of The Rat Idea –gasWAR –Single
28Help –JAD FAIR & KRAMER –Roll Out The Barrel
29Unhappy Meal –HAPPY FLOWERS –Oof
30Hammerhead –PAT TRAVERS BAND –Live At Reading 1980
31Metropolis –MOTORHEAD –Live, 25th Anniversary
32Excerpt –CAROLINER –Transcontinental Pinecone Collector
33? Excerpt –JOHN EATON –?